Headshots In Black and White or Grey
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Wednesday, July 25, 2018
By Bernie Gojar
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From time to time, we see the headshot images we provide our clients get converted to black and white by whoever is in-charge in the office. When we see the result, it does not quite have the same impact as the coloured image.

Converting an image to black and white is not as straightforward as it seems to be. When one does a direct conversion as what most would do, the resulting image can look pasty and pale, more like greyscale (see image called Direct Conversion). When we convert a coloured image to black and white (see image called Our Conversion), we show that black is black, white is white and not 50 shades of grey. Hence, a sharper and more distinct image is produced. 

The next time you see a black and white photograph, ask yourself this question: Does the black really look black? Does the white really look white? A true black and white photograph commands attention, respect and leaves a lasting impression on the viewer.

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