Be Noticed even on a Thumbnail
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Wednesday, January 07, 2015
By Bernie
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Thumbnails are smaller file sizes of images so they can easily be downloaded on a webpage. If you have ever uploaded an image on your social media pages, you will notice maximum file sizes which we all have to adhere to. The thing about thumbnails is that it is quite literally the size of a thumbnail. To people who are not quite savvy with software to resize their images, cropping or stretching photos have become common making their profile photo distorted or blurred. Having a proper headshot session ensures that one can still be visibly noticed even on a thumbnail. That thumbnail could be one's ticket to the next job or pay grade. The investment in a proper headshot session is small compared to the benefits it will bring once that thumbnail photo is noticed by the people who will want to hire you. 


Note: Identity Headshots was formerly called Fotojorno.

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